World of Discovery

Summer Day Camp Tips

Tips for Packing the Perfect Camp Bag for Your Child

At World of Discovery Day Camp in Queens, one of our most popular questions from parents before each summer is, “what should I pack in my child’s bag?” Since we go swimming and on a ton of field trips throughout Queens and Long Island, packing the proper items in your child’s bag adds to the importance of making sure your child has everything they need to have an amazing summer camp experience. Below are some helpful tips on what to pack in your child’s bag each day before their day’s adventure begins at World of Discovery Day Camp in Queens! Please note, all of the items we list throughout we already have at our campsite each day. But like we tell all of our camp families, it is a great idea to pack these items for your child, just so they have their own!

Being that our camp is outdoors at various times throughout the day, two of the most important things to pack in a child’s bag would be water and sunscreen. We consider ourselves a “traveling day camp,” which means that we have our campers explore so many different places and activities throughout each camp day. It’s important throughout all of the day’s events, campers stay hydrated. If your child runs out of water at any point throughout the day, don’t worry! We have plenty of ice water at camp so that campers can refill their water bottles as many times as needed. We want all of our campers to be active when we play sports, go on trips, and have different activity specialties such as gymnastics, dance, and martial arts to name a few. That alone makes having water at all times essential for our campers. Our staff stresses the importance of drinking water throughout the day, just in case our campers forget about it because they are having so much fun!

In addition to water, sunscreen is an item that our staff emphasizes to parents when it comes to packing their child’s bag. Not only when we go swimming, we always help children reapply the sunscreen throughout the day when necessary. Our staff recommends that parents pack their child with a spray sunscreen. This way, our staff can easily apply and reapply the sunscreen on the child. We get a lot of beautiful sunny days at camp, which is wonderful for our campers to get the most out of the camp day. However, we understand that their safety is of the utmost importance, and that is why we take measures to ensure the child has a proper amount of water throughout the day, as well as monitoring their level of sunscreen that is needed.

Two other important items to pack in a child’s camp bag that our staff discusses with parents would be a change of clothes, as well as lunch. When it comes to a change of clothes, most of the time parents will pack that if their child is going swimming on that particular day. We do have extra clothes on site, but it is never a bad idea to pack your child with extra clothing, just in case they are needed. Lunch is also something that we provide every day at World of Discovery Day Camp in Queens. Our lunch is provided to us by the NYC Department of Education. That lunch is available to your child everyday they are at camp. Now we understand that some children might like a certain kind of lunch, and that is why parents can absolutely pack their child with their own lunch! Even if they eat their own lunch and are still hungry, they are more than welcome to eat the lunch that we provide at camp.

These are some important items to pack in your child’s camp bag, but as always, you can give us a call at 718-229-3037 to ask us any questions regarding items to pack in your child’s bag to help them have a great summer camp experience!

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